This hand was my favorite. I wanted to see how cartilage affected the back of the hand.

I was not as happy with this foot study. You can tell I struggled with the toes. Also, I was drawing with a lead hand.

Finally, a back study, because my understanding of the back muscles is woefully lacking.

A skull I drew at home to familiarize myself with conté pencils.

PS: Some of you would probably find the practice of drawing, or even being around, cadavers a disturbing process. Nothing I can say would assuage your feelings. I can say this: it is a place of learning, where a few select people have donated their bodies to the advancement of science, knowledge and ultimately, wisdom. These people deserve our highest respect and esteem.
Tragically, some of these exhibits came from unclaimed bodies. It's a sad state of affairs that people in this world really do die alone, unclaimed and forgotten. I pray that these lonely souls will find comfort in knowing that their earthly vessels now touch the lives and minds of the millions around the world who come to see them.