Monday, April 5, 2010


This WAS an entry for the Mutation Nation Challenge over at ArtOrder. There's a bit of lion, lionfish, hatchetfish, viperfish, anglerfish and fangtooth fish. I found out later I could only use two animals to create the little critter, thus disqualifying my new creation. Grrr........

While working on this piece, I stumbled on a fantastic blog for those of you who love animals and creating monsters, like I do. It's the Ugly Overload blog, which gives ugly animals 'their day in the sun'. It's very informative and a lot of fun to read. Yes, kids, science IS fun! The link is at the right side of this blog page. Also, I broke out my DVD of the Blue Planet series from Discovery. I finally justified the $80 or so I spent on it. Hahahaha!!!

Did I mention there's a bit of fish in this creature?


sam said...

Gnarly. I would surely get bitten if I get near this fellow. :) Awesome design.

orizatriz said...

it's like the daddys in the bioshock isn't it? :)

Piya said...

I never played Bioshock, but I know what you're talking about Anita. Hmmm...funny how that works out huh?

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