I thought he was kinda cute, and his design is a new direction for me. For the longest time, my character designs were aimed more towards the young reader/teen market. This dragon was more of a children's book design.
So I gave myself a job. Do 29 sketches of him by the time I turned, well, 29. That's today. Yikes!!!

So here's the fruits of my labor. I wanted to paint them too, but that's going to have to wait another day.
Yes, I hear you scream "Piya, do something besides dragons!!" And I say "Well, I just came up with this design, and I loved it, and it would be stupid of me to not use it just because it's another dragon! When I'm inspired to do something else I will!"
PS: You'll note that there's really more than 29 dragons. A lot more. I just counted the male dragon I initially created. I came up with his female companion pretty much on the fly (hence the lame bow ribbon on her head, which I blatantly ripped off Webby from Duck Tales-remember that show everyone???). Also, I haven't come up with names for these characters. Anyone got any ideas?