So I spent the good part of today trying to figure out a new design for my business card. The trick is, when you're still a young artist without an identity, anything you come up with for a design can be good today, outdated
tomorrow. Sure Frank
Frazetta's the barbarian fantasy guy and Peter
DeSeve is the NY Times Magazine cover guy and Adam Hughes is the comic book good girl guy, but who the hell is
So for now, I'm just sticking with a dragon. It's pretty much all I've drawn since oh, high school, so it's as much my identity as I'm going to get right now. Now I didn't want to go a do the biggest, scariest most
badass monster I could make, but I just wanted something with sensible character design.
I noticed that the collaborative dragon design I came up with for Joni to paint was pretty well received, but I didn't want to go paint that if she's already doing it, so I just took it, made some changes to it, and here it is!

Basically I just made the wings and antlers a bit bigger but it's pretty much the same thing. I usually don't like chubby dragons, but the very
voluminousness (yes that's a word) gives the creature such character. The face I made slightly pig like because 2007 is the Chinese year of the pig. It has the body of a European type
wyrm, but the face of an Asian dragon because I find they're more expressive. Finally, I gave it classic dragon colors. Hope you like it!